Apply your Style Guide rules, discover new service providers and monitor your existing ones for changes.
Converse naturally with AI-powered chatbots that understand slang and literacy levels, learn their needs and finds proper services for them from your resource database.
Publish your resource database in other languages, using the same tone and clarity as your English-language records. Better than existing translation tools.
Learn from past referrals, understand help seeker needs, and help your workers make excellent new referrals. Assess risk in calls, chats and texts.
Past interactions hold invaluable messages and lessons, if you have the right tools to find and understand them.
Adjust the language of your primary resource database to a specific literacy level. Or publish alternate versions for other literacy levels.
Ready to get to work? Check out our Products for tools you can start using now.
Fully cloud-based using the most advanced artificial intelligence, to do mundane work rapidly and well. And serve help seekers in their language and literacy level.
It's even more powerful when we integrate with your I&R software platform, telephony or CRM vendors.