Style guides, Inform USA standards, best practices of taxonomy indexing - there's a lot for a Resource Database Curator to keep in mind when editing resource records. Plus there's room for interpreting those rules and guidelines depending on many factors including personal opinions.
That's where Yanzio's "Resource Curator comprehensive feedback" AI Assistant steps in. It helps each person who has curated resources in your database know how they are doing overall in applying all these rules, guidelines, standards and best practices.
By evaluating that person's scores in all areas, and then comparing those scores across all other curators that Yanzio has assessed, we can deliver highly specific and impactful suggestions to each person about ways to improve their resource curation.
Best of all, we use your organization's own Style Guide and other documents so these suggestions teach them how to best comply in the way that you want them to.
You and the person can both watch changes in the recommendations over time, as they incorporate the recommendations into their next round of record editing. The next time all of our AI Assistants run on your data, this person's recommendations will also reflect the changes they've recently made.