Taxonomy Curator

Properly assigning Taxonomy terms can be difficult, especially when you're trying to adhere to the InformUSA standards, best practices, your own Taxonomy customizations, and ongoing changes to the Taxonomy itself.

Our AI Assistant will help you improve your Taxonomy assignments for every Program or Sevice record by recommending the removal of low-value assignments and discovering new high-value assignments.

Using your own customized version of the Taxonomy, we'll consider information from each record's major fields and provide the best recommendations for term removals and additions.

All while adhering to the best practices of taxonomy indexing, like avoiding double-indexing and using the most relevant taxonomy terms for primary services, avoiding ancillary, phaontom and indirect services.

* The 211 Human Services Indexing System (211HSIS), also known as the 211LA Taxonomy or just the "Taxonomy", is property of 211 LA.

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