Choose your plan based on how many resource records you have in your database as well as other features listed below.
Our price plans are based on the "Maximum record count in Yanzio" on which our AI Assistants will perform their evaluations.
Feature | Starter | Standard | Pro | Advanced | Ultimate |
Maximum record count in Yanzio - up to: | 2,500 | 5,000 | 10,000 | 20,000 | > 20,000 |
Your Price Plan is determined by the line above. With it you get all of these items below, unless you need more of any of these: |
Maximum number of record evaluations per year: | 10,000 | 20,000 | 40,000 | 80,000 | Custom |
AI Assistants included (see list) | All | All | All | All | All |
Fields included (see list) | All | All | All | All | All |
Style Guide updates per year - up to: | 4 | 4 | 4 | 4 | Custom |
Resource data imports from CSV per year - up to: | 4 | 6 | 12 | 24 | Custom |
Customized Taxonomy imports per year - up to: | 4 | 6 | 12 | 24 | Custom |
Yanzio API Keys | 0 | 2 | 4 | 8 | Custom |
Yanzio API Requests per minute - up to: | n/a | 10 | 20 | 30 | Custom |
Connect to your I&R platform API | Custom | Custom | Custom | Custom | Custom |
Support requests | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited | Unlimited |
At the moment we are not yet publishing our prices, but that may change in the future. For now though we wanted to explain to people the various Price Plans available. Please get in touch with us if you would like a price quote.
The number of records in your Yanzio system corresponds to the amount, cost, and duration of advanced AI tools used, so that's why the pricing is different based on the quantity.
We use the Open Referral HSDS terminology. 1 record = 1 Organization, Service or Location. For example, 1 Organization with 3 Locations and 5 Services would be 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 records.
Add up the quantity of all of these records in your resource database to get your total. Then look at the Price Plans above and pick one that will accommodate your total record count. Once a record, defined by its unique identifier, is imported into Yanzio it is counted towards your total.
These records are also commonly referred to as Agencies, Programs and Sites. We are not including ServiceAtLocation records in the count.
Since not all I&R software uses this exact structure, we can help you calculate your record count.
When 1 record is updated in your I&R software and then imported into Yanzio, we'll process it through all available AI Assistants. That counts as 1 time processed. If the same record gets updated and processed again, that counts as 1 more time processed, for a total of 2 times so far.
The first time we import your resource database, we process all records 1 time each, so that might consume up to 25% of your annual amount, but after that you'd only need to process the updated records.
We've set these limits so that you could process your entire resource database up to 4 times per year, which is far more than most people do. In reality you'll update most of your records just once per year, and a small subset of your records will be updated more often than that. Unless your processes are very unusual, it is unlikely you'll exceed this limit. If it looks like you might exceed this limit, we'll work with you to find a solution.
We're really just trying to ensure folks don't process their whole resource database super frequently (like daily or weekly) which is costly and unnecessary.
It's a part of the Yanzio system that has been trained to do a specific type of work. Here's the current list:
We will likely release additional AI Assistants in the future which may or may not be included in these plans.
As long as your Style Guide has guidelines for a field, we'll have our AI Assistants evaluate it for every record with a value in that field.
*These items are coming soon.
It gives you or a trusted third party access to all the results, recommendations and other data produced for you by the Yanzio AI Assistants.
One great example would be to have your I&R software vendor connect to the Yanzio API and bring the results into your system there on a realtime and ongoing basis. Then your Resource Curators could see the Yanzio AI Assistants' evaluations, right on the very screen you're using to edit each record in your I&R software system.
If your I&R software system has an API and you give Yanzio access to it, we can do at least two useful things:
-We can monitor new and updated records in your I&R software, bring those records into Yanzio and automatically run our AI Assistants on them.
-We can also "push" the recommended results from the Yanzio AI Assistants back into your I&R software system, streamlining your daily work.